Day 5 | Set Your Heart on Things Above


Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1(NIV)


Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3 (NIV)


I have a morning prayer that I speak over myself when I awake after a fitful night’s sleep - I am a beloved child of God, in whom Christ dwells and is well pleased. I live in the unshakable kingdom of God. This sets the tone for my day and, theoretically, the way I choose to see myself and others. And then, every so often and much like most sane people waking up in the morning, I go on Instagram! Wrong move! 

My words of affirmation go out the window as the insecurities begin to percolate in the pit of my stomach, and my mind starts playing tricks on me. Scrolling through curated photos and reels of other people’s seemingly perfect lives can cause me to envy them, to want what they have, to want to look like they do. Not only that, feelings of unworthiness or being “less than” begin to creep into my psyche. Once this cycle starts, it requires so much intentionality and energy for me to avoid getting pulled into the vortex of negative thoughts. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I am able to literally put the phone down and reset my mind. I have to remind myself that my life (my worth and identity) is in Christ, not the things of this world. This is easier said than done when I am surrounded by so many distractions that can derail me. 

Over the years, I have developed habits that would keep my heart and mind focused on “things above, not on earthly things.” Daily prayer and regularly soaking in God’s word are definitely helpful. Also, being part of a small circle of good friends who are on the same spiritual journey as me helps to reaffirm who I am in Christ. They keep me sane… and away from Instagram! 


What habits of mind and behavior are feeding your soul for the good? What are distractions? What is God inviting you to add or subtract from your daily routine so that you can soak in a few minutes with him? What do you need to hear from God today? Take a bit of time to listen.


God, thank you for keeping my heart focused on you. When I start to feel down on myself, would you allow your Holy Spirit to remind me of who I am? Amen.