Week 4 | Day 4 | Our God is a God who Provides


Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (NKJV)


And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14 (NIV)


When I was a senior at San Diego State University, I was feeling the pressure of having to find a full-time job after graduation. Around the same time, the church that I was attending was kicking off a generosity initiative that would support creating new spaces for their children’s ministry, student’s ministry, and so many other awesome things. 

I had just quit my part-time job to focus on school. I didn’t have a steady income. And I had never committed to giving continually at church. As I prayed about what God was inviting me to do in that season, I felt his gentle nudge to start giving faithfully; even if I thought it wasn’t enough. In the process, I felt challenged to trust that God will continue to provide for me. 

In all honesty, it wasn’t always easy to give. Money was tight and I kept praying and hoping to find a full-time job soon or quickly after graduation. Six months before graduating I was offered a non-paid internship and it was an easy yes for me since I was desperate for experience. Not to mention that I was extremely excited to learn, grow, and simply work. But quickly after agreeing to the internship, I got offered a full-time job instead at the same place where I was going to do the internship. In that moment, I felt completely covered and protected by God. My prayers were heard and answered. He provided more than I had hope for or imagined.


What’s an area in your life where God is inviting you to trust His provision? How can you lean into that trust this week? 


Father God, thank you for the incredible ways that you provide for me. Thank you for your love, grace, and never-ending forgiveness. I pray for me to trust you more daily. To trust that you are a God who provides. In Jesus’ name, amen.