Day 5 | The Jesus Perspective



“My son,” the father said, “you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:31-32 (NIV)


I can easily point an accusatory finger towards the brother in the parable of The Lost Son. I imagine him standing outside the party full of anger and resentment. But recently I realized that I am more like the brother than I want to admit.

There are a few people in my life that I have struggled to forgive for many years. I chose to distance myself from them, but they are part of my family and will be in my life forever. Just when I think I’ve forgiven them their actions create more pain for me or those I love. Each time, I become resentful and angry all over again. I want consequences for the pain they’ve created. I want to know God dealt with their sin.

When I read Luke 15:31 today, I felt like the Lord was speaking directly to me. He said “My child, you are always with me. Look at how I’ve blessed you in a million different ways.” The Father turned my focus from the actions of those who offended me back to my relationship with him. Then, he changed my perspective even more in verse 32. He calls those who have offended me “lost.” And suddenly my resentment changes to compassion. My need for consequences changes to a request for mercy and redemption.

The Lord is both the savior of the faithful and the savior of the lost. He calls me to forgive and love like he forgives and loves me.


How has the Lord forgiven you? Who do you need to forgive? Will you celebrate when they turn from their sin?


Father God, thank you for your supernatural presence in my life. Please forgive me when I take my eyes off of you because I am busy pointing out the sins of others. Help me to go forward with love and compassion towards my brothers and sisters who wrong me.