Week 1 | Day 3 | God, I Need You.


One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. Luke‬ 11‬:1‬ (NIV)


Rejoice always, pray continually. 1 Thessalonians‬ 5‬:16‬-17 (NIV)


There was a season in my life when prayer was something I recited out of memory and mostly remembered during difficult times. My prayers were more like desperate pleadings: “God, I need you, please help me, forgive me, heal me, protect me.” As I continue to grow in faith, I now realize that prayer is meant to be a part of my life - not just in difficult times. Prayer is no different than eating, sleeping, or breathing. Prayer is not only one way I communicate with God, but it is also an opportunity to bring my gratitude, needs and concerns before him. So when I wake up, I give thanks and pray. When I’m stuck in traffic, I pray. When I’m at work, I pray. When I’m out and about, I pray. I find myself praying often and throughout my day. This is not because I want to be super spiritual. Many of my prayers consist of a short sentence or two. But because prayer is an ongoing conversation, an attitude of my heart, and a lifeline with God I can no longer live without. 


When was the last time you said a prayer? If it’s been a while, would you be willing to stop and pray now? You may be surprised what happens when you stop for a minute or a few seconds, open your heart, and talk to God. 


Father God, help me remember that prayer is an ongoing conversation with you, and you are more interested in the posture of my heart than my words.