Week 4 | Day 1 | Expectant Hope


So stay alert. You have no idea when he might arrive. Matthew 25:13 (Message)


We live with hope in the Eternal. We waited for Him,
for He is our Divine Help and Impenetrable Shield.

Our hears erupt with join in Him
because we trust His holy name.

O Eternal, drench us with Your endless love,
even now as we wait for You.
Psalms 33:20-22 (Voice)


I have traveled many dark roads. At times the way through was for me to cling to the hope of heaven, where there will no longer be pain or suffering. Focusing on my destination did bring me hope, but in the end, I still needed to navigate my way through the darkness.

What I learned through those seasons is that my hope in Jesus is here and now. He is not only waiting in heaven. Jesus is the way of hope as he walks with me through the darkness. My waiting is not for his presence nor for the result I want in a difficult situation, but rather for me to see his power and love as he walks with me.

One day, while watching the sunrise light up the night sky, I realized that those first magnificent rays of light shone so brightly because they pierced the dark night sky. Just as we wait to see that first light of day, we can expectantly hope and wait to see evidence of Jesus in the midst of this dark world. He is with us. He is the light. He is the way of hope. 


Be aware. Be expectant. Look for evidence of the Lord’s presence and power.


You are my hope, Jesus. Your power and love cannot be matched. Open my eyes to your presence. Father, drench us with your endless love, even now as we wait for you.