Week 1 | Day 4 | What’s on Your Mind?


Enter through the narrow gate. Matthew 7:13 (NIV)


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2 (NIV)


When I first became a mom, I was constantly playing the comparison game. I could never measure up to the highlights posted on social media or the books I was reading on sleep training a newborn baby. I found myself feeling anxious and depressed because I simply couldn’t meet the world’s (or my own) expectations of me as a mother. I started to wonder if perhaps I wasn’t meant for this role. Then I joined a growth group with other moms and quickly saw that I wasn’t alone in my parenting journey. Through prayer, tears, and a whole lot of coffee, these women helped me to transform my core beliefs about myself and who God meant for me to be for my children. I was able to change my mindset about myself by simply changing what my mind was being filled with. This helped me to choose what Jesus wanted for me, rather than what the world said what I should have.  

I’m now entering a new season of motherhood. Hello, tween years! But instead of starting my day scrolling through Instagram reels, I begin with prayer and reading scripture. I also continue to intentionally surround myself with people who breathe life into me. I’ve learned that renewing my mind is like planting a seed in new, nutrient-filled soil. With proper watering and sunlight, a seed can grow into something beautiful. In choosing to set my mind on Christ, I have experienced his good and perfect will.


What is occupying the space in your mind right now? Is it fear? Doubt? Envy? Anger? Take time to talk to Jesus so that your mind can be renewed in him.


God, we pray to you for the renewing of our minds. Help us to follow the narrow road that leads to life.