Day 1 | Abundant Life



I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness. John 10:10b (GNT)


Life has a way of luring us into chasing success, significance, wealth and all the bling that comes with it. Like most of my peers, I pursued higher education that would lead me to a good career…that would provide financial stability…that would lead to annual vacations in Hawaii with the family…that would…so on, and so on. I worked hard to attain all that and more. I had friends and family who were similarly situated, so I felt like I was in great company living “the good life.” 

But as the years went by, the chase wore me out. The material things our family accumulated and the career I had built did not satisfy the deep need in my soul to be truly seen, known, and loved. All that time, in retrospect, I was faking it, hoping that people wouldn’t notice that my life was a mess because of the chase. I didn’t feel like I was thriving. I was merely trying to keep up. 

If we are honest, we are all on some kind of chase, climbing the ladder to reach higher heights, only to find the view disappointing. Though we might be living “life to the full,” it might not be the kind of life Jesus promised. It’s okay to have nice stuff. It’s great to have a stable career. Vacations are awesome! But pursuing these things above all else can lead to an empty life. 

As I’ve gotten older and reconnected with Jesus, I’ve come to experience that Jesus is the only one who can truly satisfy. He sees me, knows me, and loves just the same. Even in the midst of daily struggles, I experience deep peace, enduring hope, and joy in his presence. “Life to the full” is not so much tied to material worth and earthly significance. It is tied to a deepening relationship with Jesus. For those who believe that he is the Son of God who sacrificed himself on the cross for us, and resurrected from the dead, there is the promise of an abundant life starting now.


What are you chasing after? Jesus promises you a new and abundant life now. Would you chase after him?


Jesus, you are the only one who can meet all needs. Thank you for dying for me so I can live life to the fullest.