Day 1 | Showing Others Jesus


Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into His harvest field. Matthew 9:38 (VOICE)


​​So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT)


God is allowing me to be a part of something really special in this season of my life. A year ago, I took a new full-time job at a well-known company. Everyone works remotely, but on occasion our team gets together at the HQ in LA for teambuilding and to connect in person. Very soon after joining this team it was clear to me that I was the “odd woman out” and the only one who was an active believer in Jesus - 3 out of the 5 women on my team expressed their disdain for Christianity and after experiencing some deep wounds inflicted by the church in their past.

I knew right away God had placed me there for a reason, but now, more than ever in my life, I needed to commune with the Holy Spirit and pay attention to what God would have me say and do and when. After a year of doing a lot of listening to these women on my team, God set up an opportunity for me to talk to one of them about her pain. I listened to the trauma she experienced at the hands of sinful people. And I got to share about my experience with the church.

As an ambassador of Christ, sometimes the best thing we can do is listen. My team isn’t looking for someone to preach at them and condemn their lifestyle. Truthfully, they know scripture too. What they need is someone to SHOW them who Jesus is. They need someone to SHOW them what it looks like to love like Jesus loves. My prayer is that the way I act, and the way I treat them will be the plea they hear to “come back to God.”


Where are the places in your life where God is calling you to be his ambassador? How can you show people the love of Christ?


Father, we know that this world, even the church, isn’t perfect. But thank you for sending your son so that we could know grace and mercy. Help us show the same grace and mercy to others.